Emergency / Urgences

Emergency / Urgence

In a medical emergency go to the Urgences of the nearest French hospital or call these numbers

Anonymous, accessible, free and guarantees adapted orientation towards local assistance and support :

112 – European Emergency Assistance

114 – Hearing Impaired Emergency Services

17 – POLICE (Commissariat de Police or Gendarmerie)

15 – SAMU (Service d’Aide Médicale d’Urgence) for serious medical emergencies

18 – FIRE BRIGADE (Sapeur pompiers), for fire or car accidents and emergency medical situations

Here are other Emergency and Medical response numbers :
  • AIDS helpline: 08 00 84 08 00
  • Cancer helpline: 08 10 81 08 21
  • Dental helpline: 01 43 37 51 00
  • Psychiatric emergency: 01 45 65 81 08
  • Suicide France hotline : 01 45 39 40 00
  • English SOS helpline : 01 46 21 46 46
  • Find a duty pharmacy: 3237
  • Emergency shelter: 115
  • Child protection: 119
  • Violence against women info: 3919
  • SOS Drug/Alcohol Addiction: 113
  • SOS Medical advice line : 08 20 33 24 24

Remember these tips when calling French Emergency Service-Hotline:

  1. State your name, phone number, the location where help is needed, the situation and if it’s still happening, how many people require help and whether there are weapons or dangerous substances involved.
  2. Don’t forget the code to your parking lot or the number of the apartment building.
  3. Never hang up until you are told to do so.
  4. If you have known medical problems or regularly take prescription drugs, make sure you know how to say their names in French to the operator.
  5. If you have children, be prepared to cite their ages and how much they weigh (in kilograms) in case you need to call an anti-poison center or to administer medication.
  6. If dealing with intoxications, make sure to inform them of what was taken and if possible, give them the rest of what was consumed.

Here are some emergency French phrases. All members of the family should practice how to give clear indications in French.

  1. It’s an emergency : C’est un cas d’urgence.
  2. My name is… : Je m’apelle…
  3. My telephone number is… : Mon numéro de téléphone est…
  4. I live at… : J’habite à…
  5. Help! : Au Secours!
  6. Ambulance : Une ambulance 
  7. I need an ambulance. : J’ai besoin d’une ambulance. 
  8. Heart attack : Une crise cardiaque
    • My husband had a heart attack : Mon Mari a fait une crise cardiaque
  9. Stroke : Un accident cérébrale
    • I think my wife suffered a stroke. : Je pense que ma femme a souffert un accident cérébrale
  10. Choke : s’étouffer
    • My baby is choking : Mon bébé s’étouffe
    • I have difficulty breathing : Difficulté à respirer / J’ai difficulté à respirer
  11. To bleed : Saigner
    • I am bleeding a lot : Je saigne beaucoup
  12. Hemorrhage: Une hémorragie
    • My husband had a hemorrhage : Mon Mari fait une hémorragie
  13. Concussion : Une commotion cérébrale
    • My child fell. Does he have a concussion? : Mon enfant est tombé. A-t-il une commotion cérébrale? 
  14. Diabetic : Diabétique
    • I need insulin : Je suis diabétique. J’ai besoin d’insuline.
  15. Labour : Accouchement/Accoucher
    • My wife is giving birth. Her water has broken. : Ma femme accouche; la poche des eaux a percé. 
  16. To be poisoned: S’empoisonner 
    • My child has been poisoned : Mon enfant s’est empoisonné.

If you do not speak French, it is best to find a French-speaker whom you can trust. Good luck !

– Clinician Nancy🍀

Textes de référence :

  • stop-violences-femmes.gouv.fr
  • legifrance.gouv.fr
  • gouvernement.fr
  • service-public.fr

3 thoughts on “Emergency / Urgences”

  1. Pingback: Saving an angel – CLINICIAN NANCY

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