TROD – Covid 19

TROD - Covid 19

Doing a quick Covid-19 test in a French pharmacy is now possible!

Arrêté du 20 mai 2020 complétant l’arrêté du 23 mars 2020 prescrivant les mesures d’organisation et de fonctionnement du système de santé nécessaires pour faire face à l’épidémie de covid-19 dans le cadre de l’état d’urgence sanitaire.

France’s Department of Health has just authorized pharmacies to test for coronavirus antibodies within minutes. This test is done from a drop of blood and costs less than 20 euros.

Unlike the RT-PCR test, which detects the coronavirus in the nostrils.

The TROD test makes it possible to know if you have developed antibodies, and therefore you’ll know whether the cold you developed a few weeks ago was due to the coronavirus or not. 

The TROD is a serological test that can detect the presence of antibodies (IgG) 14 days after coming into contact with the virus, while others laboratory tests also indicate the presence of IgM about a week after infection. 

With a simple blood drop, do you want to know if you had Covid-19 ? 

It’s possible with the TROD test, and it’s now available in French pharmacies. 

The Haute Autorité de Santé stated that “general practitioners, healthcarers or pharmacists will be able to supervise the rapid diagnostic orientation test or (TROD : Test Rapide d’Orientation Diagnostique). 


But if a test proves positive, it will have to be confirmed by a second laboratory test.


Minister of Health, Olivier Véran, announced “the objective of carrying out at least 500,000 to 700,000 tests per week, as soon as France gradually lift the containment”.

This measure will increase France’s capacity to test the population and contain the coronavirus.

 – Clinician Nancy 🍀

Textes de référence :

  • Ministre des Solidarités et de la Santé
  • Légifrance: Arrêté du 20 mai 2020 complétant l’arrêté du 23 mars 2020 
  • Haute Autorité de Santé
  • Pixabay (photo inserts)
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