Mon Compte Formation

Mon Compte Formation

An application to simplify access to certified training.

This app has been introduced to us early this year by the Minister of Labour Muriel Pénicaud who is also a fervent supporter of this project which is a first of its kind in the world.

“The most important reform France’s government has carried out since 2017”, “

“A democratization of education never known in the history of our country”, 

“A revolution of the individual”, 

“The only country in the world to do that”,

“Simple. Practical. Direct” that’s the formula.

Reviving and promoting training is the big idea behind all this. Today, only a third of French people are trained regularly (at least once a year), and great disparities exist according to the size of the company or the socio-professional category. While, according to studies, 85% of jobs in 2030 do not exist today. In short, to innovate, to be competitive, to get out of unemployment, you have to be trained. Skills are the key.

The MonCompteFormation application will be launched today, November 21 and to mark the occasion, a “training village” was set up in the afternoon under the Canopée des Halles, with demonstrations, testimonies and the presence of Muriel Pénicaud.

“Everything is individualized, everything starts from the individual.”

“It gives you the freedom to choose your professional life,” the ministry says. 

Everyone has had this CPF since 2015, but until now this account could only be used with the agreement of the employer, the Pôle Emploi, or an Opco, a skills operator. Above all, all this was very confusing, to the point that this right is rarely used. Of the 25 million potential users, only 2 million have so far activated their accounts.

Another deviation from the current system is that companies, which subject to training obligation, tended to use their employees’ CPF to provide training that they had put in place.

Today, the Ministry asserts, “the CPF is a concrete individual right”, and the individual is “totally in control of his choices”. The changeover to the euro since January 1 2019, to credit in hours, is supposed to reinforce this feeling of “ownership”.

However, companies, or the State, can “orient” the choices of training courses they wish to promote. Example: if the State notices difficulties in recruiting in the world of healthcare, it can put an employer’s contribution to the training leading to it. A way to encourage people to choose them. Same thing for a company. But no constraints.

“In the end, it is the individual, via his application, who chooses and validates… for free!”

What does the app look like and how to use the euros from our training account?

There are doubts expressed by companies or trade unions about the idea that people, left to their own devices, without safeguards, risk buying any kind of training, useless, and only on a whim. The ministry “assumes” this “risk-taking”: “Saying that people are not able to choose for themselves has in the past been a pretext for deciding for them,” it is said.

“We bet that the majority of people will use it in a way that is in the interest of their journey. You have to trust people. They are mature, responsible, informed to use it appropriately.”

Above all, to help those who need it, a Professional Development Council is planned from 1 January 2020. This service, which is available in each French region, will be free and confidential. It will have an advisory role for people seeking guidance or to develop a professional development project.

Where did they come from, these certified training courses

All the training courses offered on the application are certified and registered in the (RNCP) Répertoire national des certifications professionnelles, are recognised with value on the labor market. The training organizations are also certified by Qualiopi, a recognized organization. 

100,000 training sessions, 1,000 diplomas to be prepared, 4,000 training organizations… 

How much will all this cost?

If you have never done any training, when you open your CPF, you should have an amount of 1,440 euros at your disposal. The average amount of the 25 million CPFs loaded is 1,040 euros. And half of the training courses in the current catalogue cost 1,400 euros. Each employee also receives at least every year in April, 500 euros to complete the prize pool, up to a maximum of 5,000 euros.

Depending on your situation, if your CPF is not enough for the desired training, you can ask Pôle Emploi, your employer, or… with your own credit card.

Regarding the prices set by training organisations, the government assures that transparency will reduce and force these actors to innovate. But there is also a real market for them: the total budget is estimated at more than one billion euros per year. It is therefore in the interest of training organisations to present a referenced training offer and to open training centres in places that do not currently have them, but which will very quickly become applicants, such as medium-sized cities.

FYI: Maternity leave, paternity leave, childcare leave, or adoption leave, parental education leave, parental leave, caregiver leave, absence for occupational disease or work accident are taken into account and contributes as your personal training (CPF) Compte Personel de Formation.

Sure of the quality of its application, the ministry is going to do its utmost to sell it well, with a major communication campaign. Over the first 15 days of December, you should hear about the application at least six times, on television, via TV spots, in newspapers or on websites. 

PROFESSIONAL TRAINING… MonCompteformation app, aims to make it easier for us to access training, without intermediaries or authorizations… for free!

“Training, I take action” / “Formation, je passe à l’action”.

– Clinician Nancy 🍀

Textes de référence :

  • Ameli
  • ARS
  • Ministère du Travail
  • Ministère des Solidarités et de la Santé
  • OMS France
  • Santé Publique France
  • Mon compte formation est un service mandaté par le ministère du travail. La Caisse des dépôts gère le site du compte formation : conception, animation, maintenance, traitements informatiques et assistance technique. 
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