

What is a coronavirus ?

Coronaviruses are a large family of viruses, which cause illnesses ranging from a simple cold

to more severe conditions such as MERS or SARS.

The virus identified in China is a new coronavirus. It was named Covid-19.


Covid-19 is a new virus which remains exceptional in France.

  • There are 170 752 confirmed cases, most have been contracted locally, with an infected patient or are coming from China, South Korea, Italy, Iran…
  • 78 388 persons recovered, while 30 004 deaths have been reported to date.
" I am declaring a public health emergency of international concern over the global outbreak of 2019nCoV...
This is a time of solidarity, not stigma. " 
- Dr. Tedros,
" Our health system is well prepared, health facilities have been informed
and recommendations for care
have been issued. "
 - Agnès Buzyn, 
Ex - French Health Minister
" 150 additional hospitals will be "activated" to cope with a possible spread so that all the departments of mainland France will have at least one hospital center capable of receiving the sick... We are taking all necessary measures to ensure the safety of the French. "
- Olivier Véran
French Health Minister

But still, you must be responsible and do these simple preventive measures for all ages :

👋 DO NOT visit the elderly or the sick to avoid infecting them
🙅🏻‍♀️ DO NOT shake hands or hug to greet each other
🙅‍♂️ Drastic social distancing
🤲 Wash your hands regularly
🗣 Cough into your elbow
🤧 Use a disposable tissue
😷 Wear a disposable mask if you are sick

☎️ your generalist, if you experience any symptoms: cough, fever, conjunctivitis, severe fatigue, aches and pains

☎️ 15 for emergencies and when symptoms worsen with difficulty in breathing

☎️ 0 800 130 000 for non-medical questions, (7/7, 24/24)

and remember…

We can’t do this alone. CANCEL EVERYTHING. Stay at home, our health depends on each other !

– Clinician Nancy 🍀

If you think you’ve been exposed to the COVID-19 coronavirus and are showing symptoms :

What should you do:

  • Stay alert ?
  • Schedule a teleconsultation ?
  • Call 15 ?

Take the test now and answer based on your symptoms.

Textes de référence :

  • World Health Organisation
  • Santé Publique France
  • Ministre des Solidarités et de la Santé (photo insert)
  • The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (photo insert)

P.S. Think before you click and help your medical team fight against the spread of Fake news. 

2 thoughts on “Covid-19”

  1. Pingback: Who is at risk for coronavirus ? – CLINICIAN NANCY

  2. Pingback: TROD – Covid 19 – CLINICIAN NANCY

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