Complémentaire Santé Solidaire – CSS

Complémentaire Santé Solidaire - CSS

Complementary health solidarity : effective November 1, 2019

Launched by the Ministry for Solidarity and Health, Complémentaire Santé Solidaire is a new complementary healthcare offer for people with modest incomes: it replaces the CMU-C and extends to other beneficiaries, even for those who are currently eligible for payment assistance of complementary health or ACS. It is designed to facilitate access to healthcare rights and offer better protection for health coverage.

Starting on November 1, 2019, more than 10 million people in France and DROMCOM shall benefit CSS.  

A huge information campaign has just begun to spread awareness about the new Complementary Health Solidarity which aims to encourage the public; especially those who have given up health checkups because they do not know that they are entitled to complementary healthcare.

Profiles of beneficiaries and some illustrated examples :

The essential 5 points:

1- Complementary health solidarity replaces the CMU-C, which remains unchanged, and extends to other beneficiaries like the ACS. Easily accessible, it helps to fight against the non-use of rights, which amounts to more than 50% for the ACS today.

2- It offers enhanced protection to its beneficiaries. Thus, healthcare under the ACS is now 100% supported by the Complementary Health Solidarity: dental, optical, hearing aids, but also medical devices such as dressings, canes or wheelchairs.

3- It avoids the advance payments to the doctor, the dentist or to the hospital. All health expenses are paid directly by the mandatory health insurance organization (Mutuelle Santé or MSA) and the Complementary Health Solidarity.

4- It avoids the overruns of the fees to the beneficiaries, be whatever the sector of exercise of the health professional provider.

5- Complementary health solidarity allows 0€ financial participation for households whose income currently makes them beneficiaries of the CMU-C (under the ceiling of 746 euros per month for a single person) and with a financial participation of a cost of less € 1 per day per person for other concerned households (1,007 euros per month for a single person).


is simpler, has larger coverage and more protective for better access to healthcare.

” …With Complementary Health Solidarity, we can give everyone an access to high-quality care because health should not be a luxury for anyone … ” 

– Clinician Nancy 🍀

Remember :

To verify your eligibility, you can use the following online simulators : and

A free phone number 0 800 971 391 is made available for any questions about the new complementary health solidarity.

Textes de référence :

  • Ministre des Solidarités et de la Santé
  • L’Assurance Maladie
  • MSA
  • Complémentaire Santé Solidaire
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