
CoviPlasm / CoriPlasm

CoviPlasm / CoriPlasm A study on Plasma transfusion of convalescent patients carried out by AP-HP, EFS and Inserm that could help some COVID-19 patients Historically, convalescent plasma has been used as a potentially lifesaving treatment when no cure or vaccine was available.  More recently, some information suggests that convalescent plasma could help some coronavirus patients – …

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CovidRadius Discover the site which allows you to know if you are within the authorized 1 km confinement perimeter ! Here’s the link : Don’t forget your “Lockdown Exemption Certificate” Version Numerique Version Française English Version  FALC (facile à lire et comprendre) Stay healthy and stay safe !  – Clinician Nancy ? Textes de …

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Exploring mental health carers’ caregiving experiences in France

Exploring mental health carers’ caregiving experiences in France This scientific article was published internationally on May 2020 by Emerald Publishing Limited Copyright © 2020 Citation:  De Jesus, N.S. and Maurice, A. (2020),  “Exploring mental health carers’ caregiving experiences in France”,  The Journal of Mental Health Training, Education and Practice, Vol. 15 No. 4, pp. 207-221. …

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The COVIDOM app In full confinement, how can you ensure your health by staying at home? This is a problem to which the Paris hospitals (AP-HP) and PME Nouvel e-santé have tried to respond by setting up a home medical remote monitoring system for confirmed patients carrying or suspected of Covid-19 and who do not …

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What is a coronavirus ? Coronaviruses are a large family of viruses, which cause illnesses ranging from a simple cold to more severe conditions such as MERS or SARS. The virus identified in China is a new coronavirus. It was named Covid-19.   Covid-19 is a new virus which remains exceptional in France. There are 170 …

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Mon Compte Formation

Mon Compte Formation An application to simplify access to certified training. This app has been introduced to us early this year by the Minister of Labour Muriel Pénicaud who is also a fervent supporter of this project which is a first of its kind in the world. “The most important reform France’s government has carried …

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Complémentaire Santé Solidaire – CSS

Complémentaire Santé Solidaire – CSS Complementary health solidarity : effective November 1, 2019 Launched by the Ministry for Solidarity and Health, Complémentaire Santé Solidaire is a new complementary healthcare offer for people with modest incomes: it replaces the CMU-C and extends to other beneficiaries, even for those who are currently eligible for payment assistance of complementary …

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The French Hospitals

The French Hospitals ” Best Publique Hospitals & Private Clinics in France “ If you are seeking healthcare assistance in France, you will be pleased to know that French hospitals and its medical facilities are among the finnest in the world. For example, in Europe alone, the APHP – Assistance Publique Hôpitaux de Paris, holds the …

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