

COVISAN A French hospital project to avoid second wave contaminations at all costs. Launched by the Assistance Publique-Hôpitaux de Paris (AP-HP) from four pilot sites. The project is complementary to the COVIDOM app and has been effective since Wednesday, April 15, at the Pitié-Salpêtrière. It is now also being tested at Bichat (18th) and Louis-Mourier in …

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Mask 19

“Mask 19” (Masque 19) If you are suffering domestic abuse, you can go to the pharmacy or shopping centre and raise the alarm from there. The code is… MASK 19. According to the French police reports, one of the consequences of France’s lockdown measures was the rise in the number of cases of domestic violence (+38%). This is why the French authorities …

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What is a coronavirus ? Coronaviruses are a large family of viruses, which cause illnesses ranging from a simple cold to more severe conditions such as MERS or SARS. The virus identified in China is a new coronavirus. It was named Covid-19.   Covid-19 is a new virus which remains exceptional in France. There are 170 …

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Vaccinations in France

Vaccinations in France Mandatory and recommended For Adults and children Did you know that immunization currently prevents 2 – 3 million deaths every year ! Vaccines allow you to protect yourself and others against diseases by preventing it to spread to those around you; especially to fragile people (chronically ill, pregnant women, babies, elderly people). …

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Oral Health

Oral Health Did you know that most French dentists speak English ? France is known across the world for high standard levels of health care services. This includes dental care which has a vast majority of fees reimbursed by the government, sometimes reaching up to 70% !  If you have kids who are six to 24-years-old, …

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E. P. S.

E. P. S. FRANCE’S HEALTH PREVENTION FOR ALL When was the last time you had a complete health check-up ? Did you know that in France, we offer a Preventive Health Exam / Examen de Prévention en Santé (E. P. S. ) ? E. P. S.  is formerly known as a free health check or “Bilan de santé gratuit”. It is based on …

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